Healing and Deliverance Ministry
Healing and Deliverance are things Jesus promised all believers can have, and that these would be signs that follow believing in Jesus Christ.
We're pleased to pray with you for healing and deliverance. Feel free to book a time on our calendar.
While WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR MINISTERING HEALING OR DELIVERANCE, we do ask you to consider making a donation so that we can continue to offer services to all who need it.
Discipleship Counseling
Many times the problems we face are a result of many complex choices we've made or things that have happened to us. Discipleship Counseling is the process of "being transformed by the renewing of the mind" as discussed in Romans 12:2. This also empowers one's ability to "hold on to" any healing or deliverance we may have received. We are pleased to provide this support for you. Please book a time on our calendar.
While we do not charge for this service, we do ask you to consider making a donation so that we can continue to offer services to all who need it.
Do you need prayer
for healing?
for deliverance?
for inner healing?